Consider the following algorithm:
1. input n
2. print n
3. if n = 1 then STOP
4. if n is odd then n = 3 * n + 1
5. else n = n
/ 2
6. GOTO 2
Given the input 22, the following sequence
of numbers will be printed
22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1
It is conjectured that the algorithm above
will terminate (when a 1 is printed) for any integral input value. Despite the
simplicity of the algorithm, it is unknown whether this conjecture is true. It
has been verified, however, for all integers n such that 0 < n <
1,000,000 (and, in fact, for many more numbers than this).
Given an input n, it is possible to determine the number of numbers printed
(including the 1). For a given n this
is called the cycle-length of n. In
the example above, the cycle length of 22 is 16.
For any two numbers i and j you are to
determine the maximum cycle length over all numbers between i and j inclusive.
Input. The input will consist of a series of
pairs of integers i and j, one pair of integers per line. All
integers will be less than 1,000,000 and greater than 0. You can assume that no
operation overflows a 32-bit integer.
Output. For each pair of integers i and j you should output
i and j in the same order in which they appeared in the input. Then print
the maximum cycle length for integers between and including i and j. For each test case print three numbers on one line, separating
them by one space.
1 10
100 200
201 210
900 1000
Sample output
10 20
200 125
210 89
1000 174
elementary problem - cycles
Algorithm analysis
Write a function cycle_length that calculates the cycle length of the number n. Then
for each value from i to j inclusive find the length of the cycle
using the simple search. Print the length of maximum cycle.
The function cycle_length finds the cycle length of the number n. It
generates a sequence until we get 1 and calculates its length in the variable cnt.
int cycle_length(int n)
int cnt;
for(cnt = 1; n != 1; cnt++)
n = (n % 2) ? 3 * n + 1: n / 2;
return cnt;
function check finds the length of maximum cycle for numbers from i to j inclusive using brute force.
int check(int i,int j)
int mx = 0;
for(; i <= j; i++)
mx = max (mx, cycle_length(i));
return mx;
The main part of the program. Read the input data. The input
value i can be greater than j, in this case we must just swap i and j. Find and print the maximum cycle length.
while (scanf("%d %d",&i,&j)
== 2)
itemp = i; jtemp = j;
if (i > j) tmp = i, i = j, j = tmp;
printf("%d %d %d\n",itemp,
jtemp, check(i,j));